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25 Jun

Things are growing around here…

Our Little Miss Olive was weighed this morning – and came in at a whopping 26 lbs 2 oz!
She’s cruising around the couch like a pro now and we’re going to be trying out a walker next week in hopes that she’ll start walking more.
Her little legs still look quite disproportionate to her upper half.

Our family is also growing… as we found out a couple weeks ago that we’re expecting baby #4!
Ethan swears it’s baby #4 and #5 – but we’re stickin’ to the idea that “Mommy only makes babies one at a time”
We’re due in February and the little blueberry is already making itself well known.
Unfortunately I’ve had a lot of morning sickness (all-day-sickness, really) the last two weeks, and I’ve been put on Zofran to help combat it.
My new baby-dictated diet is carbs, lean protein, and jello… I do pretty well with eggs too.
Anything greasy, spicy, carbonated, or dairy is out.
The Zofran seems to be helping a little smidge more with every day, but I’m still getting sick a couple times a day through it.
I don’t remember feeling this awful with the other two – and I hope it doesn’t last long!
We have an appointment in about 4 weeks to have a dating/check up ultrasound to be sure everything is developing okay.
It feels weird to be doing this all over again – this one was a welcomed surprise, but a surprise non-the-less.

Ethan and Evelyn are also growing… and we all went to their first Movie Theater Movie this afternoon.
We went to see Toy Story 3, and they loved every minute of it.
They had wide eyes and jaws dropped through most of it, and Ethan would grab on to my and Karl’s arms when there was an intense part.
It was really fun to see them experience a Theater for the first time.
Evelyn kept calling it “The big TV” or “The big movie”.
I can’t believe that they’re already 3 and 2 years old…