Jobee’s First Foods

2 Jul

Jobee got her first tastes of baby food today.

She turned six months old this week and her doctor told us that we can go ahead and start introducing it to her. I don’t think that we will actually start feeding her babyfood on a regular basis, as I don’t think she’s quite ready developmentally. But, it sure was fun to watch her try it out!

She was 25.5 inches (50%) and 13lb 7oz (25%) with a head circumference of 16.5″ (50%) at her visit.
She’s right on target developmentally for her adjusted age of four months old.

She tried a little rice cereal with a little white grape juice mixed in this afternoon.

She was excited for it but didn’t really know how to eat-eat it.

Most of it came back out.

But she sure was happy to give it a go!

How can you not just eat this little girl up!?

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